Learn, how to become
financially independent.
Financial Freedom

Hello. I am Markus.

And I am what you would call a privateer. In 2018 I gave up my career as a freelancer in the IT area and have been living on the return of my investments since then. I am financially free.
On this website I report how I did that. So everyone can reproduce the results.
First of all: this site is completely (ad-)free. I don’t want to sell anything. No online course to get rich quick. And certainly no »give me 100 euros and you will get a few millions for free«. Promise!
Why do I do that?

Because I can. And because it gives me a deep satisfaction to pass on my knowledge to people who can use it. My goal is to build up a community of like-minded people. People like you, who want to be financially free for themselves and who support and help each other on their way.
If my knowledge helps you, I’m looking forward for your feedback. Also if it didn’t. Especially if you think I can improve something. And as I have already written, I am not the only one and I always link to my blogger colleagues who can explain certain things so much better than I do. What I’m doing here is filtering. I separate helpful information from stuff that distracts. I describe what works and why – and what doesn’t work. So that nobody has to make the same mistakes that I have already made.
And here’s the deal:
Give me an hour of your time. Just 60 minutes. Use this hour to look around and read a few blog articles that are exciting for you. For example, the series about the basics. If you don’t like it afterwards, move on with a clear conscience. You didn’t miss anything. You may have wasted an hour, but at least you were given the opportunity to become financially free.
And what if it works? No more worries about money. You never have to work again. Then this was possibly the best invested hour of your life. And you might want to invest even more time.