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Money Is Only a Tool.

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Money Is Only a Tool. It will take you wherever you wish. But it will not replace you as a driver.

Ayn Rand

This quote touched me. It summarizes the very essence of what money is – or is not. It’s neither good nor bad. Money does not make people good or evil. It just shows what is inside of the people who own it. It’s the people who are captains of their ships and who do good or bad things with the money they get. Money itself just helps to buy a better, bigger or faster ship.

Life is harder without money, but even if you have enough money, you are still the architect of your fortune. Money alone does not make you happy. It can help to live more comfortably, but in the end, the emotions we experience determine how happy we really are.

So, the most important thing about money is not to get it but the question what you want to do with it. I challenge you to answer this question first. Then learn how to cleanse your relationship to money and how to pull money in your life . And I bet you will develop a very strong motivation to actually get the amount of money you want.

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